Monday, June 18, 2012

Vita Herbs Barley

Barley grass is one of the green grasses.  The young barley leaves have a tremendous ability to absorb nutrients from the soil. When barley leaves are 12-14 inches high, they contain all the vitamins, minerals, and proteins necessary for the human diet, plus chlorophyll. Barley contains a multitude of vitamins and minerals. Its juice is seven times richer in Vitamin C than an equivalent weight of oranges, five times richer in iron than spinach, ten times richer in calcium than milk, is a significant source of Vitamin B-12, and contains 15 times as much protein as an equivalent amount of milk.

Barley Juice Scientific Findings
Good reports abound on the benefits of barley juice. But why? Scientists have only scratched the surface in understanding why barley juice has helped so many. What is in barley juice? Scientists have found:
  • a substance to actually stimulate repair of the DNA molecule     
  • a protein with strong anti-inflammatory qualities     
  • substances that reduced hypercholesterolemia     
  • substances that resulted in an anti-ulcer effect     
  • components in barley leaf extract which de-activate mutagenic and carcinogenic substances     
  • an enzyme called SOD which is an extremely powerful 'anti-aging' antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory enzyme and cancer preventive enzyme     
  • another powerful antioxidant, 2'-0-GlV, more effective than vitamin E     
  • components in barley leaf extract which were very effective in lowering the, blood sugar levels in high blood sugar mice     
  • substances which help to inhibit platelet activating factor     
  • substances which protect the blood vessels from damage     
  • it improves or modulates Prolactin and growth hormone     
  • barley juice degrades a variety of pesticides - Detoxification implications.     
  • 5 enzymes were found that help the decomposition of fats in the body proceed smoothly which helps to promote correct body weight.
An enzyme called P4D1, isolated in a laboratory in California in the 1980's in Barley juice. P4D1 was found to do two things in the human body. It is the first known substance to actually stimulate repair of the DNA molecule. It is possible that disease cells can be repaired with P4D1 so that when they reproduce they will actually produce good cells. P4D1 has also been shown in laboratory tests to eat the protein sheath off a cancer cell so that the white blood cells can attack and destroy them.

Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes affect over 80 million Americans. Health and nutrition professionals remind us, however, that this disease can be controlled and even prevented. It’s a matter of making some simple but important lifestyle choices including losing weight, increasing physical activity and including plenty of whole grain, high fiber foods such as barley in the daily diet.

Barley is an excellent food choice for those concerned about type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes because the grain contains essential vitamins and minerals and is an excellent source of dietary fiber, particularly beta-glucan soluble fiber. Research shows that barley beta-glucan soluble fiber promotes healthy blood sugar by slowing glucose absorption. For example, findings from a clinical trial published in the December 2006 edition of Nutrition Research showed that mildly insulin-resistant men who ate muffins containing barley beta-glucan soluble fiber experienced significant reductions in glucose and insulin responses, compared to responses after eating muffins made with corn starch. In a clinical study reported in the August 2006 edition of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, data showed that subjects who ate cookies and crackers made with barley flour enriched with beta-glucan soluble fiber also experienced significant reductions in glucose and insulin responses compared to responses after eating the same products made with whole wheat flour. A long-term study published in the August 2007 edition of the Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice journal reported a 30-percent decrease in HbA1c (average blood glucose level) in type 2 diabetics who consumed a healthy diet including pearl barley that supplied 18 grams of soluble fiber a day. Regardless of the form of the grain, there is always a ready source of beta-glucan soluble fiber in barley. Unlike many grains which contain fiber only in the outer bran layer, barley contains fiber throughout the entire kernel. So whether it’s whole grain or processed barley products, dietary fiber, including beta-glucan soluble fiber, is available in amounts that have a positive impact on improving blood glucose levels. 

PRICE: PhP 375.00/US$ 7.50
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